Welcome to our Remote Customer Support Portal. The primary purpose of this site is to efficiently assist our customers with FLSmidth PlantLineâ„¢ agreements, particularly assets that have been supplied by FLSmidth's line of automation products. For other product lines or sites with no current agreements, support can be arranged by selecting "800FLSmidth 24x7 Support, - Customer Incident Log". Our 800FLSmidth service people will register your case and transfer your session to an available supporter who can help you with your problem.
English (US) en-us

Important Messages

  • Since an upgrade of Go2FLS, we had some issues with certificates which must be on the PCs, needed for the connection to run in a secure way. We are very sorry for the trouble of this, but hopefully the below procedure will fix this, without too much work.

    On your PC where you want to connect to a Go2FLS supporter or have Jumps Client which are not working:

    1. Login to an administrator account (ex. FLSAMain or FLSAdmin)
    2. Create a folder called C:\FlsService\
    3. From https://flsadev.flsmidth.com/filetransfer/ , Click: Go2FLS, Click: Go2FLSCertificates
    4. Right click: Aug2022.zip and Chose "Save link as" or "Save target as" and save to C:\FlsService\
    5. Unzip Aug2022.zip so you have 1-5.cer, a cmd & a ps1 file in C:\FlsService\Aug2022\.
    6. Right click "InstCer.cmd" and chose "Run as Administrator."
    7. Restart your browser and you should be able to start a Supporter session

    Already installed jumps should come alive in 5-10 mins.

    How to get support from FLSmidth?

    Please contact our 24 hour support desk and they will find the available resources to support you:

    By e-mail

    By Telephone
    Toll Free: 1800 419 2255 (INDIA) / 1855 357 2255 (US) / 800 35764384 (Excluding IN & USA)
    Alternate: +91 44 67406000 (INDIA) / +1 610 2664444 (US) / +45 36184444 (DENMARK)

    Please give us the following information to be able to support you best possible:

    Your contact info:
    Your name
    Your area of responsibility
    Your plant and company name
    Your country
    Your e-mail address
    Your contact telephone number (international call)

    How urgent is your request:
    Is it urgent, annoying (can wait to next working day) or it long term request (no problem to wait for a week)?

    Is your problem covered by warranty, services agreement or do you need an offer for support or parts?

    Where does the problem occur? (Laboratory, Server room, Raw mill, Substation, PLC, Network)
    How does the problem reveal itself? If not working as it did: describe both correct and wrong behavior. Error light? Error texts? Smoke? Broken? Sound? Take pictures or video!
    If new parts are needed: Vendor? Type? Serial number? Take pictures! If software related: What kind of system? What is the project number? (typically part of computer name) What part of this system? Take some illustrating screenshots!

    After your support request, you will receive an receipt email with a Case number.

    Please give this Case number in subject on future inquiries on the support request.

    FLSmidth Liability / Disclaimer

    Unless otherwise agreed between the parties in writing, the following shall apply for this service:
    FLSmidth shall not be liable to the other for any special, incidental, indirect or consequential losses, costs or damages or for any loss of profits, loss of anticipated revenue, loss of interest, loss of use, loss of production, loss of contracts, loss of business opportunities, loss of customers, damage to reputation or for any financial or economic loss whatsoever. FLSmidth’s maximum aggregate liability for losses, costs or damages arising hereunder, whether such liability arises from any one or more claims or actions for breach of contract, tort (including negligence), delayed delivery, non-performance, warranty, product liability, indemnity or strict liability shall be limited to EURO 10.000. All disputes arising hereunder shall be finally and bindingly settled under the Rules of Arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce by one or more arbitrators appointed in accordance with the said Rules. The arbitration shall be held in Copenhagen and be conducted in the English language and the laws of Denmark shall apply. Disclaimer: In the event of engaging in remote support, FLSmidth is providing its best recommendation based on the available and limited information from the system, customer or prevailing health safety, environment conditions at site. It is important that the customer takes the overall aspects into consideration before implementing any of the recommendations. FLSmidth shall not be liable for any damage to plant or property, loss of profit, loss of use or consequential losses, and shall further not be liable for sickness, injury or death of any person arising out of the remote support.
    BeyondTrust Remote Support